A Year in Review with Wayne Anthony
Anthony Insurance Agency

Looking back on this past year, we can’t help but be thankful for all our customers, new and old. As a family owned and operated business that’s been serving the Space Coast for over 35 years, we’re proud to help meet the insurance needs of Brevard County residents. The New Year is a great time to think about your insurance coverage needs and how they may have changed in the past twelve months. Though it’s great to reflect on these changes and make sure you have the proper coverage this New Year, insurance is important all year long!

From hurricane season to summer boating and everywhere in between, making sure you have the proper home, auto, and life insurance is a must. You never know what may come your way in the New Year, which is why it’s important to be prepared with all the coverage you may need to protect your assets and your family. Oftentimes, in the summer months we see claims for home, flood, wind, and hail damages, while at the beginning of the year, we frequently see auto insurance claims for fender benders or other car accidents. You may not think about needing certain insurance coverage until disaster strikes, which is why it’s important to be prepared all year long, not just hurricane season or when inclement weather is on it’s way.

As you think about the changes in your life that are coming up in 2016, you insurance needs may change. Are you welcoming a new member to the family, buying a boat, or renting a new home? Be prepared this year with the proper coverage for whatever 2016 may throw your way. As your Viera independent insurance agents, we’re here to make sure you’re protected all year long. Contact us today to discuss your insurance coverage needs!

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