Three Circumstances that Can Raise Your Home Insurance Premium
Anthony Insurance Agency

Home insurance is one of the most important and necessary coverages you’ll purchase in your life. As a homeowner it can insure that you will be financially covered should any damage come to your home, or harm come to you or any of your guests while at your home. Premiums are different for every homeowner. Every policy takes into account individual risks that each home possesses. While you can mitigate these risks as they come, here are three circumstances that are likely to increase your premium.

Each of these circumstances are very obviously risky to insure. It’s no surprise that each of these will increase your rates. While that may seem frustrating for some homeowners, nobody likes to pay too much, it’s very logical. If someone hurts themselves on your diving board, your home is burgled and your entire line of cosmetics you sell from your home is taken, or your irreplaceable paintings are destroyed in a fire, you’d expect your insurance company to act. Increased rates in these circumstances allow insurance companies to do so.

If you have any questions about how much your premium will raise, or how exactly your increased premium will compensate your loss, ask your Viera Insurance Agent today. We are happy to explain to your coverage and how we can get you the best rate possible.

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