Workers compensation insurance is a mandatory for any business that has employees. As we roll into the new year it’s important to take a look at your coverage to make sure that you’ve secured the appropriate levels.
Workers compensation insurance covers workers who are injured on the job. This could be from slips and falls on the premises, auto accidents in the company car during business hours, and even work-related illnesses. As an employer you have a legal responsibility to ensure the safety of your employees by providing a safe work environment. Having an acceptable workers compensation insurance program rounds out your efforts and provides your employees financial security if they are injured on the job.
Benefits of workers compensation include:
This new year give your independent insurance agent at Wayne Anthony Insurance a call to go over your business’s workers compensation insurance policy. We will be able to ask you the important questions like, did you hire any new employees, did you introduce new procedures that may require more coverage. We can look at your operations, employees, and make suggestions on any increases or changes to your current coverage.
If you have questions about your business’s coverage, give us a call today. Your independent insurance agent would love to sit down with you and discuss what you can do to craft the best policy for you!