Protect Your Home With Renter’s Insurance!
Anthony Insurance Agency

If you’re renting an apartment, house, or anything in between, having renter’s insurance is extremely important. It ultimately protects your living space and belongings in the event of theft, fire or smoke, lightning, vandalism, explosion, windstorms, and water damage from plumbing.

Another scenario where renter’s insurance would be useful is if you are forced out of your home due to a disaster; in this case, additional living expenses will be covered. It covers things such as hotel bills, temporary rentals, restaurant meals, and other living expenses incurred while your home is being resorted. If someone is injured at your home or elsewhere by you, a family member, or your pet, renter’s insurance covers your responsibility and will pay your local defense costs, should you be taken to court.

Keep in mind that while renter’s insurance does enable you to replace what is damaged or stolen, it doesn’t cover floods, earthquakes, or routine wear and tear (there are separate policies for floods and earthquakes, however).

If you’re at all confused about how much renter’s insurance you’ll need, we suggest calculating the cost of everything you would want to replace if it were damaged or stolen. Think of it as a basis for an inventory; it’ll make filing a claim easier if you ever have to. Make sure to include record model numbers, dates, and places of purchase. Include photos or videos of the items, and place a copy of the inventory in a safe place, away from your home. If anything were to happen, you wouldn’t want those important files to be damaged too!

You might think that you’re safe enough with the landlord’s insurance, but that typically only protects the inside of your building. Your property is important to us, and if you’re looking for a quote, contact us today!

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