It’s still amazing to us at Wayne Anthony Insurance that another year has almost come and gone. As Thanksgiving rolls around, we’ve taken a second to look back at the year and have found that we all have so much to be thankful for. One of the most amazing things we’re so thankful for is our unique ability as independent insurance agents to provide customized coverage and protections for families in Viera.
Many people only think about their insurance coverage when disaster strikes. But no matter what the disaster is most homeowners are thankful that they purchased insurance. Insurance is one of those things that seems like a nuisance to have and pay for, however every time you need to use it, you are thankful it’s there.
This year saw many different types of insurance claims that we were able to take care of for our clients. In the beginning of the year we see a lot of car insurance claims. The most common type of claim comes from fender benders. To that we’re very thankful. Not only are these claims inexpensive, they’re easy to take care of and mostly mean that no person was injured in the collision.
Another major claim we see mostly in the summer, and especially with a few near misses by hurricanes, is wind and hail damage. These types of claims are regularly covered by homeowners insurance and make homeowners so happy that it is such an easy, hassle-free fix.
As the year goes on we start to get stranger and stranger claims. In fact November is the number one month for cooking-related fire claims. Headed up by inexperienced turkey fryers. According to the National Fire Protection Association, turkey fryers are responsible for $15 million in property damage every year. So this year make sure you’re very careful when cooking. Keep timers and don’t forget about the bird in the oven if you don’t want to have to call upon your insurance coverage this Holiday.
We are so thankful that our status as independent insurance agents in Viera allows us to provide this important coverage to families in Central Florida. If you’ve been thankful for the coverage you carry, shout it out! Let us know when you’ve been thankful you had insurance.
From all of us at Wayne Anthony Insurance, Happy Thanksgiving!