Your Teen and Car Insurance
Anthony Insurance Agency

Young drivers are always a concern for parents when it comes to handing over the keys, and subsequently readjusting the family car insurance. While you want your child to become independent, and grow into a healthy adult, keeping the keys away from them can be a very attractive option for more than one reason.

Young, inexperienced drivers are much more likely to be involved in an accident. As such, they are a sure way to increase your insurance rates. At Wayne Anthony Insurance the safety of you and your teen is very important to us. We recommend enrolling them in a driver’s safety course as soon as they are eligible for a permit. By teaching them the rules of the road before they hit it, you can at least feel more confident in their abilities. According to the CDC theses are a few factors that lead to the scary statistics behind teen driving.

Putting your child in a driver’s safety course reduce their likelihood of being in a vehicle accident by 40 percent. If you have questions adding your new driver to your policy, please give your insurance agent at Wayne Anthony Insurance today.

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