Motorcyclists Air Their Complaints
Anthony Insurance Agency

As your Viera motorcycle insurance experts, it’s important for us to keep our clients up to speed on industry trends and findings. Recently Erie Insurance conducted a study with Harris Poll to ask motorcyclists their top five pet peeves. This survey is interesting, and we’re sure you’re going to agree with their findings.

Top 5 Peeves against other cyclists
5) Riders who don’t wear helmets.
4) Riders who don’t wear protective gear.
3) Lane Splitters.
2) Passing on the shoulder.
1) Reckless, aggressive riders.

Top 5 peeves about Cars
5) Drivers not using turn signals.
4) Tailgaters.
3) Aggressive, reckless drivers.
2) Texting and driving.
1) Drivers who don’t check blind spots.

The key things we can wrench out of this survey is that following traffic laws are the best way to be a courteous, and safe driver. While motorcycle insurance can financially take care of you, passengers, and your bike in the event of an accident, the best way to prevent one is to follow traffic laws. Riding a motorcycle affords you freedoms that a four-wheeled vehicle does not; however, it is very important to be extra aware of your surroundings to ensure you’re safe, not annoying other riders, and have no reason to file a claim.

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